Concept-air 50 hp dust collector to 12000 cfm standards Included control panel, flame front deflector, anti-explosion panel. 50 hp fan approximately 12000 cfm. 600 volts Included exterior piping. rotary valve summer/winter valve shaker type with pockets Control panel with soft start starter
Complete 40 HP Pulse dust collector with container loading. Can take up to 18,000 CFM. Explosion-proof door, 21-inch fan, 10,000 CFM, 169 6" x 10' pockets with cages. 13 goyenne valves. Rotary valve. Non-return valve. Fire cut-out, flame front detector, ladder and walkway .1 sequencer, 1 access door, sprinkler heads. temperature detector. soft start,.
The NBM dust collector was designed to filter air volumes varying between 1,000 CFM and 12,000 CFM. This dust collector is ideal for an application involving a volume of dust from medium to high, both for coarse (cutting) and fine (sanding) particles. This dust collector is perfect for outdoor installation. The system […]
Airex Air Jet Dust Collector 8000 cfm 40 hp motor, 8,000 cfm. Air cleaning. Year 2021 80 pockets of 4.75 inches x 123 inches: filtration area 1000 square feet. Included control panels, container. Dismantling and crane not included Included exterior piping.
75 HP dust collector reconditioned and up to standard. Anti-Explosion Doors. Possibility of turnkey installation. Price and additional information to be discussed.
90hp dust collector with 2 motors of 50hp and 40hp. Anti-explosion door. Disassembled and ready to be loaded on your Truck. 15hp blower included for container loading. Can easily take a 125hp. NEGOTIABLE!!!!!
60 hp 16,000 CFM, 600 volts 3-phase dust collector with rotary valve for deposit of residue in a dumpster under the unit, existing external piping included