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    Item: # 58496
    Currency: CAD 
    Status: Available 


    Dual head belt / abrasive belt deburring and finishing system 51 "wide, 10" minimum length and 0 "to 6" thick. Conveyor lifting and lowering power, with programmable thickness adjustment with digital readout display (stores up to ten thicknesses).
    First sanding station: 8 "diameter rubber coated contact sanding roller. 30 HP motor drive with motor load percentage display on main panel. 52" x 75 "sanding belt. Sanding belt tension pneumatic, electronic sanding belt tracking An adjusted contact sanding roller is provided to allow the use of fine sanding belts or ScotchBrite sanding belts without the need to adjust the material retaining rollers.

    Second sanding station: 8 "diameter rubber coated contact sanding roller. 30 HP motor drive with motor load percentage display on main panel. 52" x 75 "sanding belt. Belt tension pneumatic sanding belt followed by electronic sanding belt A contact-adjusted sanding roller is provided to allow the use of fine sanding belts or ScotchBrite sanding belts without the need to adjust the material retaining rollers.

    About 500 hours of operation.

    Conveyor Feed: Variable speed conveyor drive, 15 to 45 FPM. The 27 "infeed conveyor loading area with sheet metal emergency stop extends to the front of the sander for operator safety.

    Paper filtration: Closed loop cooling system with paper filter mounted under the sander for a small footprint

    Air knife dryer: Air knife dryer mounted at the outlet of the sander, equipped with (2) air knives, (3) sets of squeegee rollers and an automatic lubrication system.

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    Also available

    Alain Beland


    David Roy

    Controller / Representative

    Denis blackburn

    Senior representative

    BST machinery

    1140 Cote Terrebonne, Terrebonne (Quebec) J6Y 1G5

    Contact us

    We would love to hear your comments or answer your questions. Do not hesitate to use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
    Ⓒ BST 2021 Machineries, Design: Webez