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CVM Gold Heat UL / CSA:
Conveyor found in the loading area of the machine. The passage of furniture is monitored by photocells located at the ends of the belt. The belts are moved forward by means of a motor controlled by an inverter, which allows the speed and direction of sliding to be changed. The central belt is lifted pneumatically by pressing the specific push button in the push button panels. Photocells that detect the presence of furniture, belts for transporting furniture, metal base of the conveyor.
Single belt conveyor found at the entrance of the GOLD packaging machine. The passage of furniture is monitored by a photocell located at the exit. The belt is moved by means of a motor controlled by an inverter, which makes it possible to change gears and slide
direction. Photocell that detects the presence of furniture, belt for transporting furniture, metal base of the conveyor.
It has two housings for the heat shrink film rolls, one upper and one lower. By means of the heating elements, the upper film is sealed to the lower part
film, to create a unique surface on which furniture is pushed. Due to the effect of the tension of the special rollers, the film is
applied to the four sides of the cabinet, upper / lower, front / back. The upper beams are activated vertically to adapt the station to the
height of furniture production. The sealed film is cut along the entire length by means of a special horizontal blade. Upper film roll housing, upper film tension rollers, sealing elements and film cutting blade, bearing metal structure, lower roll film tension, lower fill roll housing.
Conveyor belt placed at the exit of the Gold wrapping machine. The passage of furniture is monitored by a photocell located at the exit. The belt is moved by means of a motor controlled by an inverter, which allows the speed and direction of sliding to be changed.
Photocells that detect the presence of furniture, belt for transporting furniture, metal base of the conveyor.
The tunnel begins to reduce the film applied to the furniture. Several electric resistances heat the air inside the tunnel. The air is set in motion by 2 fans and, carefully directed, hits the cabinet
from all directions. The hot air causes the film to shrink, then it adheres to the piece of
furniture. Furniture belt conveyor, pressure rollers, fan activation motor
Roller conveyor placed in the exit area of the machine. The transport of furniture begins manually and is operated by the responsible operator. Furniture support rollers, conveyor metal base
1. 3-belt conveyor, characteristics M004007
-No. of belts: 3
-Effective length: 3000 mm
- Total effective width: 1300 mm
- Effective width 2 side bands: 567 mm
-Central band useful width: 126 mm
-Effective height: 800 ± 30 mm
- Central belt effective in height: 0 +60 mm compared to the side belts
- Sliding speed: 24 m / min at 50 Hz
-Motor power: 0.37 kW
-Weight: 450 kg
2. Conveyor belt, M004008 the characteristics
-No. of belts: 1
-Effective length: 1500 mm
- Useful width: 1300 mm
-Effective height: 800 ± 30 mm
Sliding speed: 25 m / min at 50 Hz
-Motor power: 0.37 kW
-Weight: 145 kg
3. GOLD wrapping machine, M004016 characteristics
-Effective height: 2400 mm
-Effective height: 800 ± 30 mm
-Passage effective height: 800 mm
- Maximum width of the lower coil: 1450 mm
- Maximum width of the upper reel: 2400 mm
-Weight: 820 kg
4. Conveyor belt, M004009 the characteristics
-No. of belts: 1
-Effective length: 2400 mm
-Effective width: 1500 mm
-Effective height: 800 ± 30 mm
Sliding speed: 25 m / min at 50 Hz
-Motor power: 0.37 kW
-Weight: 270 kg
5. Shrink tunnel, M004017 the characteristics
-No. of belts: 1
- Width of the narrowing zone: 2700 mm
-Belt conveyor length: 3700 mm
- Conveyor belt belt: 1521 mm
- Belt conveyor speed: 3 - 15 m / min
-Passing maximum height: 800 mm
-Power resistances: 62.4 kW
-Weight: 1,200 kg
6. Roller conveyor, M004015 characteristics
-N.rollers: 85
-Effective length: 2965 mm
- Useful width: 1300 mm
-Effective feeding height: 800 ± 30mm
- Effective outlet height: 700 ± 30mm
-Weight: 250 kg
-Maximum length: 1400 mm
-Maximum width: 1300 mm
-Maximum height: 800 mm
-Piece of furniture maximum weight: 60 kg