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DOUCET BT 2024 return conveyor for "left" edge banders like Homag & Biesse:
Characteristics: Line shaft drive with motorized rollers covered with PVC;
The overall dimensions of the receiving / transferring section are approx. 68 "long x 63" wide.
The return conveyor measures 30 "x 150".
Includes: (1) Motorized Belt Conveyor Section - 32 "wide x 200" long added to the DOUCET system.
Scenario 1: Edgebander and return conveyor are sold TOGETHER: If the SUM of the highest bids on items BST #38314 and BST # 38319 is lower than that of item BST # 38321, these two items are sold together. Offers on item BST #38314 and item BST #38319 will be considered as not applicable and canceled.
Scenario 2: Edgebander and return conveyor are sold SEPARATELY: If the SUM of the highest bids on items BST #38314 and BST # 38319 is greater than that of item BST # 38321, these two items are sold separately. Offers on item BST #38321 will be considered as not applicable and canceled.
Inspection period: Wednesday October 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can make an appointment to come and view the equipment before the auction by calling your BST expert.
The sale ends: November 5 at 2 p.m.
Address: 240 Enterprise Street, Unit 6, Vars, Ontario, Canada, K0A 3H0 (Ottawa area)
Pickup period: From November 6 to 13, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., by appointment.
15% Premium Auction Fee: A fee of 15% will be added to the winning bid as an auctioneer fee.
Loading available on site: just make an arrangement with your BST expert.
Call your BST expert to schedule a visit or send an email to ask your questions:
Alain Beland,
Salesperson, MachineriesBST
Cell. : 514-969-4725
Auctioneer's Note: Specifications were taken from manufacturer and on-site observation, original literature as well as our own visual inspection. They are believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. As always, interested bidders should take the inspection period to verify the accuracy and completeness of specifications before bidding. The buyer will bear all costs to collect and load this lot. The buyer must take the entire lot purchased.
YOUR OFFER IS A CONTRACT: Your offers are not retractable for any reason. When the auction is over for an auctioned item and the final highest bid meets or exceeds the reserve amount for that lot, the bidder with the highest bid is the contract buyer and, in as such, has entered into a legally binding contract with MachineriesBST to purchase said auction.
Lot (s) in accordance with these auction conditions.