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Machines usagées


LITE is a CNC vertical workstation to customise the horizontal elements of the modular furniture during the drilling and insertion phases.

LITE is a CNC vertical workstation to customise the horizontal elements of the modular furniture during the drilling and insertion phases.

The standard machine is composed by an independent drilling aggregate and an insertion group for glue and dowel, but the machine can also have extra working groups, for example the router or insertion groups for different types of fittings (shelf support).

Denis Blackburn

Alain Béland


David Roy

Contrôleur / Représentant

Denis Blackburn

Représentant senior

Machinerie BST

1140 Cote Terrebonne, Terrebonne (Québec) J6Y 1G5


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ⓒ Machineries BST 2021, Conception : Webez