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New machines
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Used machines

    CPC box press

    Item: # 58159

    CPC box press:

    • The SAP 3L - ARM press with hydraulic function reinforced by thick steel, protected with an epoxy and polyurethane primer.
    • The conveyor belt is made of polyester with a low friction PVC coating.
    • If the positioning speed (which is faster than the time required to dry the glue) was not sufficient to determine the actual loading time of the pieces of furniture, then we found an alternative to do on the part while it is between the pressure surfaces. Only then we took into account a hydraulic press capable of operating pressures that allow intervention in the panties, maintaining a perfect square object, cannot be deformed at the end of the pressing cycle, even if the glue does not not dry completely.
    • The perfect grid of the box is a pinion system to obtain a perfect parallelism between the retaining elements of the machine.
    • The SAP 3L ARM model also offers, besides the high pressure characteristic, all the advantages of electronics. The dimensions of the reading box in real time, thanks to electronic systems. The result is no need for manual adjustment, leaving the mass production of boxes of different sizes.
    • The horizontal and vertical pressure is regulated depending on the type of furniture material, which will be edited.
    • The retention time of the furniture, define a screen mounted in the control panel.
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    Also available

    Alain Beland


    David Roy

    Controller / Representative

    Denis blackburn

    Senior representative

    BST machinery

    1140 Cote Terrebonne, Terrebonne (Quebec) J6Y 1G5

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    We would love to hear your comments or answer your questions. Do not hesitate to use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
    Ⓒ BST 2021 Machineries, Design: Webez